Oh So Brokenhearted Mixtape

23 April 2015

One thing I love to do is create playlists to suit each mood. I love how with every song I hear, I come to imagine a scenario, or even reminisce on the past memory or experience I've had. It's a tool I continue to use as a creative when I'm looking for story inspiration, or even when I need motivation to edit together the pieces I'm putting together. As I'm currently working on a few creative pieces, I thought I'd put together a broken hearted mix to get myself truly in the mindset of heartbreak - the unavoidable side-effect to living life.

Dedicated to all those moments when you feel like your heart is breaking into two, and there is nothing you can do to mend it back together. Like you'll never become whole again. 

So to all the lonely hearts out there, though it may seem like a really rough patch that you'll never find a way out of  - sunshine may be around the horizon. Keep the faith, and pull through this tough time. Life often gives you hardship, to bring you to something awesome in the near future.

What song would put on your Broken-hearted mix?

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