Crushing on you

14 May 2015

Continuing on from last month's mixtape - Oh So Brokenhearted - I've decided to compile together songs to give some creative inspiration to the writers out there trying to cultivating a living and loving romance. And also to the music lovers out there who want a few songs to listen to - as well.

Personally, I've always found the turning point in novels and stories, of when a main character begins to fall for someone to be so intriguing and ever so endearing. Love - or deep like even - when it's most unexpected is the most adorable. Life is unpredictable at the best of times. You truly can't control what your heart feels, and sometimes you can't even see it coming. It starts with admiration, and slowly but surely becomes something more. Then again love can hit you like a ton of bricks too can't it? Completely irrational and unpredictable.

So dedicated to all of you crushing on someone out there, weather you've met them for the first time or known them for a while now, this is for you. 

What songs would you put on your crush playlist?

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