When Sophia Amoruso was only 22, she created an eBay store called Nasty Gal Vintage. Little did she know that her hobby would continue to grow into a multi-million dollar business, and help her become the youngest member on the Forbes’ list of Richest Self-Made Women. Reflecting on her experiences, Sophia documented her journey to become the woman that she is today through the pages of #GIRLBOSS.
#GIRLBOSS is the ultimate bible you never knew you needed. That may seem strange to say considering recent events (Nasty Gal filing for bankruptcy), but don't let that discourage you from reading this. This book is utter perfection and is definitely one of my favourite reads of 2016. Sophia has beautifully crafted and cultivated a flawless and enjoyable guide into how to conquer your battles, handle setbacks and strive for success. It's raw, honest and genuine. She shares her experiences like an older sister would, reflecting on her fondest and most cringe-worthy memories, and the life lessons she learned from them. Speaking of life lessons, let's get started!
Life has a funny way of giving you what you need, not what you want. At the time things can really feel like they are falling apart. But consider this, maybe life is giving you a blessing in disguise. Not only do these moments truly build your character and resilience to life, - which let's face it can be so unbelievably unpredictable, - but they can help open opportunities which you may never have considered otherwise. Instead of focusing on what went wrong, look beyond that and see where you can go from here. So many successful people have risen from the ashes, you can too.
2.There's no autocorrect in life - think before texting the universe.
It can be so easy to forget that the world is at your fingertips. We take it for granted. Our words are a huge part of our identity. Once you release that into the digital universe, you can't take it back. It's permanently engrained on the internet. You have to consider what impact your speech has on others. These actions reflect your own character and who you are. So before you publish your tweets and posts, choose your words wisely. Yes Donald Trump, I'm talking to you ...
It can be so easy to forget that the world is at your fingertips. We take it for granted. Our words are a huge part of our identity. Once you release that into the digital universe, you can't take it back. It's permanently engrained on the internet. You have to consider what impact your speech has on others. These actions reflect your own character and who you are. So before you publish your tweets and posts, choose your words wisely. Yes Donald Trump, I'm talking to you ...
3. Compete with yourself, not with others. Judge yourself on what is your personal best and you'll accomplish more than you could ever have imagined.
Everyone has a different way of achieving their goals. Everyone's experience of life is different. What works for one individual doesn't work for the other. No two lives are the same, so why compare yourself to someone else? Your strength may be someone else's weakness. Embrace who you are. Follow your own path and work towards your goals at your own pace. Use your previous achievements as a guideline of where you want to be, and how long it'll take you for to achieve it.
Everyone has a different way of achieving their goals. Everyone's experience of life is different. What works for one individual doesn't work for the other. No two lives are the same, so why compare yourself to someone else? Your strength may be someone else's weakness. Embrace who you are. Follow your own path and work towards your goals at your own pace. Use your previous achievements as a guideline of where you want to be, and how long it'll take you for to achieve it.
4. Dive headfirst into things without being too attached to the results. When your goal is to gain experience, perspective, and knowledge, failure is no longer a possibility.
We live in a world so clear driven by the celebration of results, and because of that mentality, it can be so easy to lose sight of everything else. The journey to get to a destination is often more rewarding than actually arriving there. While the world loves to tell you how difficult things are, - and while they may be - difficult doesn't mean impossible. Take every setback and achievement as experience, and then you'll never truly fail.
5. Focus on the positive things in your life and you’ll be shocked at how many more positive things start happening
As cliche as it sounds, what you put out into the world is exactly what you get back. There will always be obstacles to face regardless of where you are in life. Your time is valuable to core, so why waste it on focusing on the negative? The more you put into positive energy, the more possibilities and solutions you'll be able to see in front of you.
What's your favourite quote from #GIRLBOSS? Let me know in the comments below!
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